When your friendly local live music venue has an open slot they need to fill in less than two weeks they go through their list of successful and popular acts. When they get to the bottom of that list without finding a taker they call us.

Just in the nick of time ZEROZEROZERO have recruited Newcastle's mighty FIST and local rockers NLA to make Bootlegger's potential quiet Saturday night a celebration of grungy, punky, garagey, hard rock noisy goodness. It's all the loud you need with none of the waiting for weeks pain in the arse.

So what are you waiting for? Don't think, buy tix, rock out!


https://zerozerozero.band/bullshit https://www.fistnewcastle.com/epk https://www.instagram.com/nla_band https://www.bootleggersnewtown.com.au/